Patient Introduction

Hello, my name is Tamara. I’m 58 years old. I was diagnosed with metastatic gallbladder cancer about 6 months ago. I have been taking chemotherapy plus immunotherapy, but it isn’t working any more. I am here to talk to my oncologist about options now. Follow the prompts on your tablet to join me for a part of the discussion.

Question #1

Do you have any new symptoms Tamara? For example, pain, coughing, fatigue, or weight loss?


Question #2

Have you been diagnosed with any other health conditions?


Question #3

The MRI and biopsy confirmed that your gallbladder cancer is progressing. Biomarker testing shows your tumor expresses a protein called HER2. We can talk more about this, but first tell me, would you like to continue therapy?


Question #4

One option is to switch from your current therapy with pembrolizumab-gemcitabine-cisplatin and switch to a mix of chemotherapies we call FOLFOX. How do you feel about changing your treatment to a different chemotherapy?


Question #5

There are other potential treatment options that we can discuss based on certain markers that the tumor can be tested for, however, first tell me what concerns you most about chemotherapy?


Question #6

FOLFOX includes two chemotherapy drugs 5-fluorouracil and oxaliplatin, given once every 2 weeks by IV. In clinical trials, about one in 20 patients saw a significant decrease in their tumor size. How do you feel about that?


Question #7

The main side effects of FOLFOX are fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, and numbness/tingling. Are you concerned this is like your current chemotherapy?


Question #8

Your tumor tested positive for HER2. Because of that, another option we can consider is looking at a clinical trial using a HER2-directed therapy. Has participating in a clinical trial for HER2-targeted treatment been discussed with you before?


Question #9

We order routine labs and see if you are eligible for the trial. If yes, we have another visit to discuss more details, including potential risks and benefits. Do you have any concerns about receiving treatment through a trial?


Question #10

HER2 is a protein on cancer cells that helps them grow. We have drugs that target HER2 to potentially slow the growth of the cancer. Would you be interested in participating in a clinical trial with this type of treatment?


Question #11

We will give you trial information to take home and review. After discussing the details, if you agree to participate, the enrollment process can take 1 to 2 weeks. Would you like to bring your daughter for the next discussion?


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This activity is provided by Med Learning Group.
This program is supported by an independent medical education grant from Jazz Pharmaceuticals.
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A Special Thank You to All HCPs

Med Learning Group sends its heartful gratitude to all healthcare professionals giving their all, 24/7, during this pandemic, despite the great risks they face. We cannot thank you enough for your courage and selfless service.

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Healthcare Business Review Award

We are thrilled to announce that we have been recognized as one of the Top 10 Health Education Services Providers by Healthcare Business Review!

This award is both an honor and a testament to our cumulative dedication to providing the best continuing medical education (CME) services to HCPs across the globe. We are proud to be part of this distinguished group and look forward to continuing to have MLG be one of the best CME providers in the country.

Thank you to Healthcare Business Review for this recognition and for shining a light on the importance of accurate and accessible healthcare education.

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Best of America Small Business Awards
Best Website

The Best of America Small Business Website award recognizes the best website launched by a small business since 2021. Technology is a key growth enabler for small businesses. The best in tech track recognizes small businesses as experts in technology and innovation from innovators, app developers, and website creators. Visit our award-winning Ophthalmology and Optometry web portal:

The Linking Approach to Education from Gap Analysis to Outcomes

Med Learning Group, a division of Ultimate Medical Academy, is a full-service accredited medical education company with commendation. Med Learning Group focuses on developing and implementing continuing education that improves healthcare practitioners’ ability to provide optimal care to their patients. Our goal is to provide high-quality education that is designed to deliver the highest level of outcomes for not only the practitioner, but also the patient. Med Learning Group has expertise in developing both live and online activities that are innovative, case-based, interactive and patient-centric in nature.

Med Learning Group has expertise in developing both live and online activities that are innovative, case-based, interactive and patient-centric in nature, and we focus on applying adult learning theory and principles to our programs. Even more importantly, we understand the nuances of our target audiences and design programs with a grounded understanding of how to educate both specialty audiences and general practitioners.