Caregiver Introduction

Hello there! My name is Cynthia, and I am the mother and caregiver of Joanie, a 3 and a half-year-old girl with Rett syndrome. I have some concerns about managing her health as her disease progresses. My daughter is receiving care from a wonderful team of experts! But life is not easy as she continues to grow and face different health issues associated with Rett syndrome. The changes I see now from when she was an infant makes me worry about what her life will be like as she gets older, and how much she will be able to say or do. I wish she had more treatment options.

Question #1

Cynthia, how old was your daughter when she was diagnosed?


Question #2

You mentioned she’s 3 years old now. Has she made any progress with crawling or walking, or has she developed any additional physical or behavioral symptoms?


Question #3

I see; how have you been managing her symptoms at home? Does anything you do seem to make a difference?


Question #4

But there is! A drug called trofinetide was approved in 2023 for patients 2 years and older with Rett syndrome. Have you heard about it?


Question #5

The LILAC trials found improvements in Rett symptoms based on caregiver scores with behavior questionnaires. Additionally, some caregivers provided specific feedback on observed progress made by their loved one. Would you like to hear what they reported?


Question #6

Well, improvements in eye gaze and engagement with others, along with increased hand use were reported, as well as a smaller number who learned new sounds or words. However, not everyone reported improvements.


Question #7

Yes. A larger study evaluating results from multiple trials showed that both adults and children have shown improvements in behavior and Rett syndrome severity scores. Is this treatment something you would consider for Joanie?


Question #8

Diarrhea, vomiting, and weight loss were the most common adverse events observed in the clinical trials. Does Joanie have any issues with eating or diarrhea currently?


Question #9

Struggles with balance or coordination could lead to an inability to walk but can vary depending on disease severity. Is your child’s doctor monitoring her ability to sit, stand, and walk during her annual wellness visit?


Question #10

Yes, scoliosis is common in patients with Rett syndrome and is frequently seen in patients 16 years and older. However, it can develop at an earlier age, so it will be important to monitor for scoliosis. Do you any other questions?


This activity is provided by Med Learning Group.
This activity is supported by an education grant from Acadia Pharmaceuticals, Inc.

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Healthcare Business Review Award

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The Linking Approach to Education from Gap Analysis to Outcomes

Med Learning Group, a division of Ultimate Medical Academy, is a full-service accredited medical education company with commendation. Med Learning Group focuses on developing and implementing continuing education that improves healthcare practitioners’ ability to provide optimal care to their patients. Our goal is to provide high-quality education that is designed to deliver the highest level of outcomes for not only the practitioner, but also the patient. Med Learning Group has expertise in developing both live and online activities that are innovative, case-based, interactive and patient-centric in nature.

Med Learning Group has expertise in developing both live and online activities that are innovative, case-based, interactive and patient-centric in nature, and we focus on applying adult learning theory and principles to our programs. Even more importantly, we understand the nuances of our target audiences and design programs with a grounded understanding of how to educate both specialty audiences and general practitioners.